28 research outputs found

    Hate speech annotation: Analysis of an Italian twitter corpus

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    The paper describes the development of a corpus from social media built with the aim of representing and analysing hate speech against some minority groups in Italy. The issues related to data collection and annotation are introduced, focusing on the challenges we addressed in designing a multifaceted set of labels where the main features of verbal hate expressions may be modelled. Moreover, an analysis of the disagreement among the annotators is presented in order to carry out a preliminary evaluation of the data set and the scheme.L’articolo descrive un corpus di testi estratti da social media costruito con il principale obiettivo di rappresentare ed analizzare il fenomeno dell’hate speech rivolto contro i migranti in Italia. Vengono introdotti gli aspetti significativi della raccolta ed annotazione dei dati, richiamando l’attenzione sulle sfide affrontate per progettare un insieme di etichette che rifletta le molte sfaccettature necessarie a cogliere e modellare le caratteristiche delle espressioni di odio. Inoltre viene presentata un’analisi del disagreement tra gli annotatori allo scopo di tentare una preliminare valutazione del corpus e dello schema di annotazione stesso

    WikiBio: a Semantic Resource for the Intersectional Analysis of Biographical Events

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    Biographical event detection is a relevant task for the exploration and comparison of the ways in which people's lives are told and represented. In this sense, it may support several applications in digital humanities and in works aimed at exploring bias about minoritized groups. Despite that, there are no corpora and models specifically designed for this task. In this paper we fill this gap by presenting a new corpus annotated for biographical event detection. The corpus, which includes 20 Wikipedia biographies, was compared with five existing corpora to train a model for the biographical event detection task. The model was able to detect all mentions of the target-entity in a biography with an F-score of 0.808 and the entity-related events with an F-score of 0.859. Finally, the model was used for performing an analysis of biases about women and non-Western people in Wikipedia biographies.</p